Bonus Download & Donation Page
We don’t like to ask…
…but giving our guide away for the stupidly-low price of totally free can only last if we cover some of our $135 per year web fees.
Take action to support the
Xcalak Travel Guide:
$10 will cost you less than two craft beers at Señor Frog’s in Playa del Carmen
$5 is what you’ll spend for cheap flip-flops at the Chedraui Supermarket in Tulum
$2 is your snack at the roadside taco stand, and also the least to keep this site free, for every future traveler
Exclusive, for our true supporters
Your Bonus Download
Because of the free travel guide you didn’t search 10 different websites. Just to plan a 1 week vacation.
You got the essentials for a stress-free holiday. All in one document. And up-to-date.
But wait! There’s more…
This bonus is also free, and has a collection of our most entertaining Xcalak blog posts. So download it and get some fun info on Xcalak before you go.
Free Bonus – Xcalak Fun Blog Posts
You can make a difference.
So why don’t you?
We host this site using money from our own pockets. If we’ve helped you, please help us.
Consider a $2 donation from your travel budget.
(think of it as a tip for making your vacation wonderful)
Your support helps us cover the web-hosting fees and domain registration to keep this site live.
Donating with PayPal is safe, easy (and fast). Here’s how it’s done.
- Click the PayPal donate button. It’s going to open PayPal’s secure website. The page will say “Donate to Xcalak Mexico”.
- Enter your donation amount. Review and sign in to your PayPal account.
- If you don’t have a PayPal account, no worries. You can enter your card details (without creating an account).
- Confirm and you’re done. PayPal sends a receipt to your email.
Not everyone can donate. No worries. We understand that money runs tight nowadays.
Please enjoy Xcalak. It’s going to be a great vacation.
~ Heather & Tim