Xcalak COVID-19 Update: *somewhat* Open-for-Business
Update 2022: Xcalak, like most other places in the world, is fully open to travel. Enjoy Here’s the older post: After months of lockdown, Xcalak …
Helping you discover Xcalak
Update 2022: Xcalak, like most other places in the world, is fully open to travel. Enjoy Here’s the older post: After months of lockdown, Xcalak …
Xcalak National Reef Park Often, visitors ask what type of water activities they can do in the Xcalak National Reef Park. Fly-fishing, snorkeling, and scuba …
Xcalak Closes During COVID-19 Pandemic July UPDATE: Xcalak & Mahahual are still closed to non-residents, and permits are required for travel in, or out, of …
The mighty pelican is a common sight as you walk along the Xcalak beach. But did you know? The pelican is arguably the most ideally …
A coastal community of 400 people, at the end of a barren, 40-mile swath of asphalt through the jungle—Xcalak’s seclusion is part of its draw. …
Xcalak’s underwater life is stunning – angel fish, trunkfish, squid, eagle rays, and turtles are some of the creatures that call the waters of Xcalak …
One of the gentlest creatures in the sea, the slow-moving manatee is one of Xcalak’s most at-risk underwater creatures. A big, slow-moving, marine mammal with …
Perhaps one of Mexico’s largest publicity stunts to date, the Mayan Train is an ambitious project. Announced in September 2018 by Mexico’s president, Andrés Manuel …
Xcalak’s unspoiled jungle habitat and clear waters are an ideal place for birds to make their homes. From high-diving sea birds to colorful songbirds, the …
Today’s post is quickie. We’re sharing a bunch of fun facts on Xcalak, via an infographic. And without further ado: Xcalak by the Numbers Hope …