10 Highly Helpful Videos of Xcalak

It used to be, there weren’t many helpful videos of Xcalak on the internet. This small beach town isn’t famous like Playa del Carmen, Tulum, or Mahahual. Those spots all get gads of tourists. And lots of those visitors make helpful tourist videos.

But, like a beachy-version of the Island of Misfit Toys, far-flung Xcalak was always forgotten…

That was then.

This is now. Since Xcalak Mexico (the fine website you’re on right now) happened, well… there are now plenty of resources and videos about Xcalak. Helping YOU discover Xcalak is our goal after all.

“Thanks for tooting your own horn” some might say.

And I wouldn’t blame them. Then, I probed the depths of YouTube for helpful videos about Xcalak.

Guess what I found?

Others post lots of “look at my vacation” videos. But useful videos – videos that you can plan a trip around – that’s our wheel house.


Without further ado, here are 10 of the most helpful videos of Xcalak (don’t blame me if most of them are from this website).

How to Pronounce Xcalak

Have you ever *tried* pronouncing phonetic symbols? It’s impossible. With names like “voiceless uvular fricative” no wonder I can’t understand them. Those little squiggles belong in a dictionary, not in real life. This video lets you HEAR the pronunciation of Xcalak. And that’s pretty darn useful.

Where to go? Mahahual or Xcalak

Look up Xcalak and you’re going to learn about Mahahual. That cruise port is like Xcalak’s big brother. Some people love it. And other avoid it. This helpful video of Xcalak and Mahahaul SHOWS you the difference between the two towns. That way you pick the destination that’s right for you.

Getting to Xcalak Mexico

This is the most helpful video about Xcalak yet. Even Google thinks so. They feature this video front and center when you search ‘how to get to Xcalak’. Maps, distances, and directions. The handy bugger even has tips on taking the bus.

Hotels in Xcalak

Stop wasting hours on TripAdvisor reviews. Get an overview of the hotels in Xcalak with this convenient video. It’s not exhaustive, but it’s quick, and gives you a feel for the quality of accommodations available.

Dave & Larisa Diving in Xcalak

Scuba divers pay attention! This video is not by the local PADI dive shop. It’s made by visitors to Xcalak. At 12 minutes long, it sure isn’t short, but it’s up-to-date (2018) and does a great job showcasing the diving in Xcalak.

Xcalak Fly Fishing Lodge

Do you fly fish? If you do, then you know that Xcalak is a fly fishers’ nirvana. This video (well, photo slideshow actually) helpfully shows the diversity of fishing areas in Xcalak.

Snorkeling in Xcalak

My favorite activity in Xcalak is snorkeling. The variety of tropical fish in Xcalak is a riot of sights and colors. This video shows Xcalak’s barrier reef (which keeps the nearby waters calm). And it also helps new snorkelers by showing them the equipment they need, and how easy it is to snorkel here.

Xcalak, 2022

This video has a pretty high production value. Created by the Mahahual Channel, this quick video provides has plenty of sweeping drone shots of Xcalak to give you an idea what the landscape really looks like.

Casa Paraiso B&B in Xcalak Mexico

Casa Paraiso is a beautiful B&B on the North Beach Road. Recently they made a promotional video that features high-flying drone footage of their property. This video of Xcalak is gives you a good sense of the beachscape you’ll be visiting.

2 Minute Tour of Xcalak Village

Our most popular video of Xcalak! This 2-minute tour helpfully combines video footage and the Map of Xcalak to guide you around town. The video highlights the main attractions in Xcalak village (and shows helpful things like the convenience store). Welcome to this quintessential Mexican town.

Didn’t find what you were hoping for? We have WAY more helpful videos of Xcalak on our Xcalak Mexico YouTube Channel. Go there. Check it out. Be entertained…

“Are you not entertained?!”

~ General Maximus (A.K.A. Russell Crowe)