Choosing Where to Stay in Xcalak

Once you’ve made the (awesome) choice to visit, it’s time to start deciding where to stay in Xcalak. Use this guide to match your accommodation with your vacation style, to find the right place to stay in Xcalak for you.

Xcalak Where to Stay: At a Glance

There are less than 20 places to stay in Xcalak, and it’s worth comparing to discover which ones fit your travel style.

The following chart is your fastest way to compare Xcalak accommodations. It shows the types of accommodations in Xcalak, and how far you need to travel from the town for each place.

Table showing how far the accommodations in Xcalak are from the town, and whether they're property or room rentals.

We’ve listed suites, suites with shared kitchens, apartment rentals, and property rentals on the above chart. Below, we cover the 7 questions to ask yourself to help you choose where to stay in Xcalak.

If you crave more details, our handy Accommodations in Xcalak Overview has photos and highlights, with links to in-depth accommodation reviews.

7 Questions for Choosing Where to Stay in Xcalak

It’s important to ask yourself the right questions before choosing an accommodation. Narrow down where to stay in Xcalak with these 7 questions.

#1 – Will you be driving a car in Xcalak?

Will you have wheels car in palms

Vacationing in Xcalak is tough without a car. Most of the best places to stay are beachside, and that means traveling up to 8 mi / 12 km on Xcalak’s beach road. If you plan to take the bus to Xcalak – or won’t have a car – the most convenient places to stay are in town, at The Flying Cloud (sorry, closed as of 2024) or at Costa de Cocos.

#2 – Will a rough road drive you crazy?

can you do the beach road truck in water

Pick an Xcalak accommodation in (or close to) town if you want to limit your time on the beach road. Xcalak’s beach road is a jostling adventure. Pounding around inside a car on a dirt road is not for everyone.

The beach road isn’t very long distance-wise, but driving the beach road is slow going. Weather plays havoc on the road, and conditions vary from slightly rough to downright bad. Expect potholes and deep puddles after rain.

Depending on how aggressively you drive, the first 8 mi / 12 km of beach road could take about 40 minutes.

Note: You do not need 4 wheel drive in Xcalak if you drive slowly for the bumps, and stick to the edge of the road when crossing puddles.

#3 – Can you afford Xcalak?

Most places to stay in Xcalak cost over $100 USD per night. This is a fair price for an off-grid paradise with barely any other tourists. If you don’t have a budget that fits this cost, it is possible to stay in Xcalak on a budget. The cheapest accommodations in Xcalak include Costa de Cocos. You can also contact Sin Duda Villas to find out if their budget apartment is available. If you don’t care about staying on the beach, try Hotelito Caribe Caracol the Xcalak Caribe Lodge, or Caribbean Casa Blanca in Xcalak town center.

#4 – Do you always want to eat out?

Do you like cooking kitchen

For some travelers, vacation is about dining out. If that’s you, narrow down where to stay in Xcalak by selecting an accommodation with a restaurant. The public restaurant at Costa de Cocos is open three meals a day. The guest-only restaurants at The Tierra Maya Lodge, Casa Paraiso and Playa Sonrisa (a clothing option resort) also have breakfast, lunch, and dinner available. If you like breakfast provided, consider a B&B like Sin Duda Villas or Acocote Eco Inn. If you enjoy cooking you’re in luck. Most places to stay in Xcalak have kitchen suites available, and the grocery trucks ply the beach road daily.

#5 – Are you bringing kids to Xcalak?

Hotel owners know that their adult guests come to Xcalak to relax, and relaxation can easily be disrupted by kids. Before you arrive with the kids in tow, check that the accommodation you choose allows young children.

Look at the Xcalak houses for rent (property rentals) when coming to Xcalak with children. This way your family gets the whole beachside property.

#6 – Do you want to get away from everyone?

Xcalak is a long ways from anything, so it’s probably safe to assume that (as a future visitor) you like privacy. If you’re the independent type – and don’t want to share your piece of paradise with any other guests – try a house or property rental.

#7 – Are you someone who requires AC?

Cant live without AC relaxed chair

If you think air conditioning is a must-have, Xcalak may not be right for you. Most beachside accommodations run on solar power and use the breeze off the Caribbean Sea to keep things cool. Only locations connected to the town’s power supply have AC.

A Quick Conclusion

Take some time to find the right accommodation for you before coming to Xcalak. If you won’t have a car, or you’ll be traveling with kids, your choices of where to stay in Xcalak will be limited.

Decide whether driving Xcalak’s beach road will be an adventure or a nightmare for you. If you prefer a smooth ride, pick a place to stay in Xcalak near town.

As a last note, ask what’s included in your stay. The coral around Xcalak has amazing fish life and most (but not all) accommodations offer free snorkel gear. If you’re active, choose a place to stay that has bicycles or kayaks available.


Read more about all the accommodations mentioned in this post on the Accommodations in Xcalak Overview.